Attention is the New Commodity

M. Yu
4 min readApr 21, 2024


Photo by Stefan Cosma on Unsplash

I’m glad you’re here, reading my article now — I’ve got your attention!

If you’ve managed to read through this article, congratulations! You’re capable of digesting a relatively long piece of information. :)

We often find ourselves lost in a world inundated with excessive information. In this rapidly changing world, whoever can capture the attention of the masses stands a better chance of succeeding.

The Medium Partner Program serves as a prime example of why attention is the new commodity: writers earn money based on the time members spend reading an article, claps and comments, and the number of members who have read it.

Even on platforms where creators don’t earn money, your attention remains a commodity: you invest your attention in their content, messages, or products, which leave a mark on your mind.

You can only dream of a person that you have met virtually or in person — you can only recall a product you have seen online or in-store.

We often say, “Time is money”. The attention you give to someone or something else is a donation. Giving your attention to someone or something unworthy is even worse than simply spending money.

In this article, I’m going to share my thoughts on the following three points:

  • Why is neglecting your attention harmful?
  • What can we do to protect our attention?
  • How can you effectively capture people’s attention when sharing something meaningful?

Why is neglecting your attention harmful?

1. A waste of time

With only 24 hours in a day, devoting your attention to useless online information is a waste of time.

2. Junk information will make you stupid

If you lack sufficient knowledge in a particular area or struggle with judgment, you might perceive some junk information as true.

Now, you might say, “I can distinguish between good and bad.”

However, the reality is that if you encounter similar junk information frequently, you may eventually question yourself: “Maybe that isn’t junk after all. Perhaps I was mistaken; it could make sense!”

See? This is how junk information can diminish your intelligence. The best approach is to simply avoid it.

3. Fragmented information weakens your cognitive function

Instagram, X, TikTok… Short videos and fragmented information are everywhere. This is harmful because:

a. When we are accustomed to fragmented information, we become less patient in reading long articles and classics.

b. Reduced patience in reading diminishes our capability to digest significant ideas.

c. We often say, “Think big.” However, how can we think big if we are only capable of processing fragmented information?

4. Toxic people make you sad

Stay away from toxic people, they are like leeches, sucking dry your enthusiasm and zest for life.

Don’t pay attention to them.

What can we do to protect our attention?

1. Limit social media usage

I believe almost all of us share this experience: we only intend to check Instagram for 5 minutes to see how our friends are doing, but in the end, we spend 50 minutes scrolling through different posts. We intend to give our attention to our friends, but most of our attention goes to some strangers whose posts, in most cases, don’t make sense at all.

Reducing your time spent on social media or simply stopping its use is a powerful way to protect your attention.

2. Select readings that are high-quality, inspiring, and knowledge-enriching.

Spend your time reading something of high-quality, something that can inspire you, something that can enrich your knowledge.

3. Minimize distractions in your surroundings

  • When you work, put your phone away.
  • Organize your desk, don’t put things that can distract you around. You would never want to put your Nintendo Switch on your desk while you are writing a Medium article ;)
  • Find a quiet location to work. Scientific research shows that we are more productive when we listen to white/brown noise than when we listen to nothing at all. We are more productive when we listen to nothing at all than when we listen to music. As far as I know, there is no direct comparison between listening to white/brown noise and listening to music.

4. Stay away from toxic people

We only have one life, why spend time with toxic people?

When sharing something meaningful, how can you effectively capture people’s attention?

1. Be authentic

Authentic information is touching. If you want to capture people’s attention, you need to resonate with them. Authenticity builds trust.

2. Use a compelling start

Begin your message with a title, a question, a statement that can quickly arouse your audience’s interest and curiosity.

3. Ensure your content is valuable

Focus on delivering content that can add value to your audience’s lives.

4. Visualization

We are visual creatures. Use pictures, videos and diagrams to enhance your content.

5. Be concise

Avoid unnecessary complexity. Articulate your messages clearly. Ensure your messages are understandable.

6. Tailor your content

Adapt your content to the preference of your audience.

7. Involve your audience

Interact with them. Ask them to comment, ask questions etc.

Your attention is your commodity. Protect it and use it wisely.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.



M. Yu

Sharing my thoughts and knowledge here. Into: productivity, better-self, business, technology, philosophy, literature, music, art, fashion, sports