How Medium Ignites My Creativity

M. Yu
3 min readMay 3, 2024


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

I’ve been writing on Medium daily since last month, and I’ve noticed a change in myself: I’m more disciplined, I write faster and better… But most importantly, I’ve discovered that Medium helps me ignite my creativity.

I’m beginning to actively seek out new ideas to explore

I’m beginning to actively seek out new ideas to explore. In order to write and publish daily, I find myself in constant need of new inspiration. Consequently, I’m in a more proactive search for novel concepts, digging deeper into them and writing my thoughts on paper.

This endeavor has led me to perceive almost everything from a fresh perspective. Instead of saying “none of my business,” I now approach them with curiosity, asking myself, “What can I learn from this?”

Writing aids in my thought process, while thinking enhances my creativity.

Since childhood, I’ve been a thinker, yet not always a writer. It wasn’t until I began consistently writing and publishing articles that I realized the profound connection between thinking and writing.

Writing serves as the conduit for deeper contemplation. Merely pondering an idea allows thoughts to meander freely, which is beneficial if every notion can be captured and cataloged in one’s long-term memory as a personal lexicon of life experiences.

Moreover, when a new idea pops up to mind, promptly writing it down proves invaluable. This practice enables a more structured examination of ideas while simultaneously fostering the emergence of further insights, as writing itself is a form of thought, and a more profound one.

Confidence in Cultivating New Habits

I’ve come to realize that I can transform writing and publishing into habits, and this success has bolstered my confidence in establishing other routines. Sometimes, our aspirations extend beyond mere accomplishment, they represent a sense of achievement, the assurance that we’re steering our lives, and the knowledge that we can rely on ourselves.

For me, writing on Medium serves as a cornerstone of confidence. As I endeavor to integrate additional habits into my life, I find myself increasingly assured in my ability to do so, fueled by the understanding that I can achieve whatever I set my heart on.

Read articles from other writers

I make it a habit to read articles from various writers on Medium as much as possible.

Medium hosts a diverse array of topics, and I relish the opportunity to learn from them. Writers share knowledge that expands my horizons, insights that resonate deeply within me, and their unique styles of expression.

What’s particularly striking about this platform is the friendly dynamic between writers and readers. Here, people engage with each other’s work with the intention of learning and exchanging ideas, rather than engaging in confrontation or trying to dominate the conversation.

Given that I write and publish daily, I also make a point of reading at least 10 articles on Medium every day. If you do the math, that’s 3650 articles per year! It’s a simple equation: the more you read, the sharper and quicker your mind becomes, and the brighter your perspective shines.

What’s your story with Medium? Share it with us in the comments!



M. Yu

Sharing my thoughts and knowledge here. Into: productivity, better-self, business, technology, philosophy, literature, music, art, fashion, sports