There is No Time Issue, There is Only a Priority Issue

M. Yu
2 min readMay 2, 2024


Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash

A friend told me that she really wanted to learn how to play the violin in her spare time, but she just didn’t have the time.

Do you notice how often we complain: “I can do that, or I want to do that, but I just don’t have the time”?

We think it’s a time issue, but it’s actually a matter of priority.

Time is fair to everyone. We all have 24 hours every day. We need an average of 8 hours of sleep and 8 hours of work; the remaining 8 hours are free for us to spend.

What you want to do in these 8 hours is completely up to you. But you only have 8 hours, no more, no less. Priority plays the ultimate role here.

You say, “I really want to read more books but I just don’t have the time.” It’s not a time issue, it’s simply that you don’t give reading any priority. If you want to read, in 99% of cases, you can spare at least 15 minutes for reading. Instead, you’d rather scroll on Instagram and check what the influencers are doing than open the books that are stacked in the corner with heavy dust on them.

You spend time doing things that you prioritize.

I don’t want to write too much today, although I have more points to make, but I’m exhausted from work, and going to bed early is my priority today. Writing consistently is also a priority for me, which is why you’re reading this short article.

I hope my readers can realize that it is never a time issue, but rather a priority issue. Give priority to your dreams and spend time realizing them. Never regret and never say, “I don’t have time.” :)



M. Yu

Sharing my thoughts and knowledge here. Into: productivity, better-self, business, technology, philosophy, literature, music, art, fashion, sports